A webinar platform is a tool you can use to run your webinars. You can find the platforms at several different prices. However, you want to take advantage of the best ones that are available at the right price. You should have an attendee base that consists of people who can afford to pay for these services. There are several things to consider when choosing a webinar software platform.

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what is a webinar platform


First of all you need to understand the two major types of platforms that are out there today. These are: hosted and remote hosted. The difference between these two types is the technology used. Hosted webinars tend to be cheaper because the hosting is handled by a third party company. In turn they offer a more reliable service than remote hosted webinars.


Before you choose a platform you need to know a few key things. One of these is how many webinars can be hosted on one site. As you will soon discover many businesses only allow their employees to participate in a certain number of webinars. They figure out who will be participating in which sessions so that they can customize their branding. The more sessions that can be hosted, the better for them because then they are able to customize and market their branding to a larger group of customers.

What Is A Webinar Platform?


Another thing you should consider is whether or not you want webinar marketing integrated into your campaigns or if you would rather use the personal branding that goes along with the hosting of webinars. There are some businesses that have integrated both systems into one package. Others choose to have separate systems like online surveys and blog logs. The bottom line is that you need to understand what the differences are and make sure you are choosing a package that allows you to use both tools effectively.


YouTube and google hangouts are two services that can be integrated into your online webinar platform. YouTube is a video sharing site that has millions of viewers and is an excellent place for you to advertise your products or brand. Not only do you get the chance to show off your information but you also get the chance to interact with your attendees. If done well and if people enjoy your videos they will want to see what else you have to offer. Google Hangouts is similar to YouTube with the added ability of recording and broadcasting your webinar to a group of attendees.


Webinar analytics is another key component that you should be looking for when you are choosing a webinar platform. Not only does it provide insight into how many attendees you have, but it will also provide you with other important information such as how long they stayed and which videos they watched. You can find out who clicked on your opt-in form and what search terms were used to locate you. Webinar analytics is extremely valuable for your personal branding and for your ability to market your brand.


Of course, you cannot talk about what is a webinar platform without mentioning the pricing. The pricing starts at about $40 a ticket but can go up to hundreds of dollars depending on the integrations you have selected. Some of the more popular integrations include Googlecast, Google Analytics, Share Matters, Google AdWords and Site Meter. These integrate with Google Maps, Google Calendar, Google Docs, and many more important services.


As you can see there are several options out there for what is a webinar platform and every company has different needs. While some use their webinars exclusively, there are others who are spread out over multiple venues. All in all webinars have changed the way companies promote themselves and the technology allows them to reach more people at once. This is a new way to increase your bottom line and boost your brand.

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